There are numerous injuries which can result from auto accidents.. Whiplash is one of the most common, annoying, and painful injuries after a car accident. Most car accident injuries can be treated successfully by physiotherapy. At PhysioWorks we’ll be able to diagnose your injury after a car accident and help you recover from it as quickly and effectively as possible. Other potential causes may include roller-coasters, bungy jumping or a sports-related collision.
You may not realize you have a whiplash injury right away. This is because you may not feel any pain until several days later. A car accident often results in the neck snapping forwards and/or backwards in a violent, unexpected, and unnatural motion. The result is usually ligament and muscle damage to the neck. Your body will produce inflammation and muscle tension. This inflammation and muscle tension is what causes the pain and stiffness you may feel.
Research shows the most effective way to treat your injury is with a combination of treatment options tailored to your dysfunctions. Most whiplash patients will start to feel better within a few weeks of the injury.
Your physiotherapy treatment will aim to:
Reduce neck pain, headaches and inflammation.
Normalize joint range of motion.
Strengthen your neck muscles.
Strengthen your upper back muscles.
Improve your neck posture.
Normalize your muscle lengths and resting muscle tension.
Resolve any deficit in neural tissue extensibility.
Improve your neck proprioception, fine motor control and balance.
Improve your ability to cope with everyday activities.
Minimize your chance of future neck pain or disability.
If you have a whiplash, it is important that you get treatment. Our experienced staff at PhysioWorks will be able to assess your injuries and even help you get the paperwork started.